Thursday, October 10, 2013

24 Weeks, 4 Days

Friday 11 October 2013

Almost 25 weeks now! It is amazing/terrifying how fast this pregnancy is speeding by! I remember back when I was in the midst of my awful morning sickness thinking that this pregnancy would never end, but man was I wrong. As Dr B has been very clear about not letting me go over my due date, we have a maximum of 16 weeks to go before we meet our little girl. I am blown away by that thought.

Lil Dash, we can't wait to meet you!

It is incredible how much love you can feel for a person you haven't even really met yet. I haven't met my daughter, but I already love her so much.

Here is the 24 weeks bump photo:

I think in the last week or some my belly has kind of popped! I definitely feel more 'round' and feel like I look more pregnant.

Lil Dash is still very active and is greatly enjoying head butting me in the bladder fairly regularly so that has been fun, she is a cheeky little thing already. She is going to be a handful I'm sure!

Last weekend Bio Mum and I headed off to Bowral in the Southern Highlands for a long weekend to celebrate our impending 3 year anniversary and also a last hurrah before baby (a 'baby-moon' if you will). The place we stayed at was lovely, although the service in the restaurant and the spa left a lot to be desired. The town was just wonderful though and we had a great weekend.

On the Saturday we headed into Bowral after breakfast and firstly went to this lovely charity knitting shop (all proceeds went to the hospital) and bought some adorable clothes and a beautiful blanket for Lil Dash (see photo below)

I can't wait to see our little girl in her jumper, vest and beanie and I can't wait to use this blanket for her.

After that we went to Bowral's 'Tulip Time' which is like Floriade in Canberra, but much smaller. Here are some photos of 'Tulip Time':

Yummy donuts! at Tulip Time!

At Tulip Time a lovely lady told us we had to check out a place called Joadja. So off we drove down a road which felt scarily like we were driving into the middle of nowhere never to be heard from again! Finally we arrived and were pleasantly surprised! 

Joadja used to be a shale mine and refinery (producing kerosene) and is now in ruins. Bio Mum and I used a very unhelpful map and did a self guided walking tour around the ruins. It was amazing and beautiful. Below are some photos:


One of Joadja's  Highland cattle. Despite how bad they stank, they were very cute!

Joadja is in the process of setting up a whisky distillery and in the interim are selling Spanish sherry, of which Bio Mum bought a bottle. I hope there is some left when I am allowed to drink alcohol again!!

After our tour and a lovely chat with the owner, we headed back into town for a late lunch and then to our accommodation for a much needed nap and then room service dinner! It was bliss!

Sunday was supposed to be spa day, where Bio Mum and I would each get a massage (in my case a pregnancy package including a facial, foot bath and massage), but due to a stuff up with our booking (which I confirmed over the phone twice before we left for our weekend away) we ended up just cancelling both and heading off to enjoy our day elsewhere. It was pretty disappointing as we were both excited for our spa experience, but as it turns out it was a good thing because we had a lovely day!

Our first stop was Fitzroy Falls, which was spectacular! It was a pleasant (at times tough) walk with some remarkable views. My favourite place was called the 'Grotto' and it was a steep climb down not so stable footing to get there, but was absolutely worth it. Here are some photos of the Grotto:

After Fitzroy Falls we headed back into Bowral for lunch at the Imperial (local pub), which was pretty nice and then wandered through an art gallery, a pop culture shop (where I bought Bio Mum a large R2D2 cardboard cut out for our anniversary) and then finally the supermarket and back to our accommodation where it was nap time for both of us.

A leisurely hotel room picnic was had for dinner with yummy bread, dip, cheese (hard cheese for me), olives and other goodies. It was perfect.

Monday we headed off after breakfast and checking out to Ikea. Thank god Bio Mum is such a planner, because we managed to get in and out with pretty much all we wanted in record time and with minimal hassle and drama. I'd have to say it was the most successful Ikea trip I have ever had, Bio Mum is very efficient! Here is the back of the ute containing our Ikea haul! It was like playing tetris to fit it all in!

That was the end of our lovely weekend! Home with our haul and now lots of flat pack to be assembled (Bio Mum has already done our two new bedside tables). This weekend will be finishing the nursery furniture and building the rest of the flat packs! What fun! Especially as Bio Mum has caught another cold and isn't feeling well, poor thing!

It is going to be great to get the nursery mostly done though! I can picture our little girl in there now and that only gets stronger the more the room comes together. 

Until next time, thanks for reading!

Lil Dash says hi (well she is kicking me so I assume that's what she wants me to say!)

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