Thursday, December 26, 2013

35 Weeks, 4 Days

Friday 27 December 2013

So I know I promised a shorter time frame between posts, but it has been a rather crazy (and exhausting) time! The last two weeks we've not only had Christmas and the mad rush leading up to it, but I also had my last day at work and all the things I had to get done before maternity leave started. This time of year is pure madness!!

Here is the 35 week bump photo (taken Christmas day):

In my last post I mentioned that we had an appointment with Dr B. It went really well. He is really happy with how both Bub and I are doing and told us that as everything is going so well, should I go into labour he wouldn't try to stop it. Bub is still head down, which is great, and growing as she should. She is still quite high though and not yet engaged.

Joy of all joys for me though is I have been having quite sever round ligament pain in my lower belly which has made walking pretty painful. Sadly the only thing to do is rest when I can and take it easy. Dr B said it was just a natural part of pregnancy and with that statement went my hope in a magical fix!

Shortness of breath is still a major issue and I am often finding myself needing to stretch out on the couch or in bed in order to breath easier. It has been the one thing I'm really struggling with, but its only temporary so it will all be ok. Next appointment with Dr B is on 2 January.

I had an acupuncture appointment last week as well and they were really happy with how everything's going. my next appointment (on 7 January) will be where they start to do the induction points, which is both very exciting and very nerve-wracking!

I think I am still in a bit of denial that Bub is actually coming soon. It has taken me weeks to actually pack the hospital bag(s), and even then I'm still not totally finished! I think it is denial that has led to my procrastination! It's not that I am not bursting to meet our little girl, it's more that I just can't believe that this pregnancy is almost over and very soon we'll have a baby girl who we will have to look after. It's just such a huge deal that I think my head just can't quite wrap around it. I hope I'll be a good Mum.

So I am very pleased to say that as of Christmas Eve I am on Maternity leave! Yay! I don't think it'll really hit me until Bio Mum goes back to work next week and I get to stay home in bed! 

It was so hectic in the lead up to finishing work. I had so many things I wanted to get done (all accomplished by the way) and with my ever increasing exhaustion and discomfort, it was a challenge. I am very glad to say its all done now and I don't have to worry about anything work related until 1 December 2014, when I am planning to return.

The lead up to Christmas was a little crazy and probably felt more so because of how pregnant I am. Thankfully all presents were purchased on time (while some that had to go interstate could have been sent a little earlier) and I didn't have to brave the Christmas Eve nightmare at the shops! I say this every year, but next year I am going to start planning earlier and buy everything (or mostly everything) online!

We managed to do some catch ups in the lead up to Christmas so that was good. We even successfully managed to host our first annual 'Turducken Day' dinner. I am pleased to report that the meal was a success and it was a great night. It also gave me confidence for Christmas lunch!

Christmas Eve was a quiet one at home with Bio Mum and her parent's (of course both Bio Mum and I had to work during the day), where I forced everyone to watch Carols by Candlelight as it was one of the traditions my family always had when I was younger. Maybe because I couldn't be with my Mum, Sister, Dad and other family members this year (way too pregnant to travel) I really felt the urge to have as a traditional Christmas as possible.

While Carols were on I started on the Christmas pudding, another family tradition. Every year my Mum made a pudding (which was a family recipe), which was mixed on Christmas Eve and then left overnight before being boiled in a pudding cloth on Christmas Day.

Christmas Day we were up early to get ready to head over to Bio Mum's sister's place for breakfast. We also opened our presents to each other (and for our little girl) before we left. I loved mine and the very enthusiastic reaction from Bio Mum told me she loved hers (I got her the Lego Death Star). Our little girl did pretty well in the present department considering she isn't even born yet!

Breakfast was lovely and then Bio Mum and I had to head home to put the turducken in the oven and get ready for lunch.

After a busy morning getting ready we sat down to Christmas lunch with Bio Mum's parents, sister, brother in law and nephews (who were much more interested in our gym equipment than food!). All in all it tasted pretty good, not a bad effort for my first real Christmas lunch (I did have a lot of help though). After lunch and presents (we were all very spoiled) Bio Mum's sister, brother in law and the boys headed off and the rest of us did a bit of cleaning and napping before sitting down to watch a movie. It was a really lovely day.

Boxing Day was spent avoiding the Boxing Day test on television, I can't stand Cricket, and the last of the clean up (mostly by Bio Mum). We also managed to watch a few movies and have some lovely naps!

Today has been spent doing some sorting and de-cluttering before we head to a BBQ at our friend's place later this afternoon.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and I will be sure to post soon.

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