Saturday, July 27, 2013

13 Weeks 6 Days!!

Sunday 28 July 2013

Tomorrow we hit 14 weeks and wow what an amazing, tumultuous, stressful, exciting, nauseating time it has been! The last 3 and a bit months have been a roller coaster of morning sickness, keeping this big news secret and worry about Bub. It has been intense to say the least.

The last couple of weeks  have been pretty special for Bio Mum and I. On Saturday 13 July 2013, we went to have our 12 week scan (at 11 weeks, 5 days) and bloods taken for the screening. It was certainly a day full of excitement and nerves (oh and a very full bladder for me). The ultrasound tech was lovely, which was a big plus. I wouldn't want someone we weren't comfortable with in the room with us during such an intimate and special moment.

Let me tell you that our Little Dash is one cheeky little monkey! Lil Dash was wriggling around and not moving into position for the tech. At one point Lil Dash had both hands in front of his/her little face which I think was either 'jazz hands' or the little one saying 'please stop taking pictures of me'. Either way is was heartbreakingly cute. Here's a scan picture of 'jazz hands' or 'spirit fingers'

Bub even rolled over at one point so their back was facing the ultrasound wand. Lil Dash is very like both Mummies, neither of which like having their photo taken at all! Here is a scan picture of cheeky little Dash's protest as having their photo taken

And here is a pic of Lil Dash's face. A face we are already besotted with

So the scan was amazing. We got to spend quite a long time watching our little one moving around in there, we also got to see and hear their little heart beating away like crazy. The tech was great and very reassuring that everything looked normal and as it should.

After the scan I was blissfully allowed to go empty my bladder (it was getting kind of desperate there for a while) and then after some questions off we went to get some of my blood taken. With that done it was time to wait for the result of the screening. We were told we could expect results within 4 or 5 days...9 very stressful days later we finally got the results. Thankfully all is very well with Lil Dash. The odds of Lil Dash having any chromosomal issues are very slim, slim enough to even ease Bio Mum's mind!

As for me, it may sound ridiculous but I just had this feeling all along that Lil Dash was fine. I just knew that our baby was great and that there was nothing to worry about. I have no idea how I knew, I just knew.

We also told Bio Mum's parent's, which was great. They were thrilled and it was so nice to have it out in the open. It's been so hard keeping it a secret!! This is the biggest event in our lives and it has been such a challenge to keep it to ourselves! Well mostly to ourselves, we did tell a few people along the way!

The reactions we have received have been wonderful. People have been so excited for us and now that its out in the open it feels so very real, not that it didn't before, but now its different. Its not just us anymore, this is something our friends and family are sharing with us now and that makes it even more precious!

I want to send out thanks to the wonderful people who are supporting us and sharing our journey. We are so grateful to you all and are so blessed to have you, just like Lil Dash will be lucky to have you too.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week 11, Day 2

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Bio Mum gave me a cold and then left me to go interstate for work for four days! That's kind of mean right? Joking, well about the mean part because she absolutely made me sick and then left me on my lonesome. It's only been a day and I miss her like crazy. I am kind of needy at the moment, damn hormones! Poor Moo is having to deal with my need for company until Bio Mum returns on Friday.

The cold hasn't been too bad, the sore throat has been the killer especially seeing as I can't take anything other than panadol. I'm also exhausted at the moment and all I really want to do is lie in bed or on the couch and watch DVDs and nap. Sadly work gets in the way of that. Damn work!

On the morning sickness front I am feeling a bit better (thank god!). I am still not back to normal, but I am eating and generally not feeling like throwing up all day. I still find I need to eat very regularly to keep the sickness at bay, but its better than it was. It tends to get worse in the evenings, maybe because I'm tired. Dr B halved my dosage of Zofran and so far that has been ok. Today is a bit of a test. I took my half a wafer this morning and usually I take the other half 12 hours later, but today I am meeting a friend for dinner right after work so won't be able to take the wafer until later after I get home. We'll see how that goes.

Looking forward to dinner tonight with my friend Erina. It will be nice to catch up, I have been a little reclusive due to feeling like shit run over twice for the last 2 months. 

We have our 12 week scan on Saturday, which is both nerve-racking and exciting. Following the scan I'll get my bloods done and then soon we'll know our risk of any issues with Little Dash. I have a feeling that everything is ok, but I'll feel a lot better once we get the results. I am looking forward to seeing Little Dash again and hearing the heart beat for the first time...I might cry. 

I can't believe we hit 12 weeks on Monday, it is surreal to be here. I remember when I was 5 weeks and the morning sickness was really starting to kick me in the arse it seemed like we would never get out of the first trimester and now we're almost there! Little Dash is becoming so real to me, I can't wait to see out Bub again this weekend!

I'll be sure to update with how the scan went and any ultrasound pics we get!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

10 Weeks, 3 Days

Thursday 4 July 2013

This will be a fairly short update, mostly I wanted to give a status report on Moo's surgery. 

All is going well in the post surgery recovery. Moo was a very groggy dog when I picked her up from the vet on Tuesday night and stayed in her adorably stoned state for the rest of the night. The incision is quite a bit bigger than we thought it would be...and kind of looks like the work experience kid stitched her up, but it doesn't seem to be bothering her much at all.

Her appetite is well and truly unaffected, that's for sure. 

I was home with her yesterday (two days off this week with morning sickness...yeah still not much fun) and she was fine so today she is outside with her coat on to a) keep her warm and b) stop her being able to get at those stitches!

Like I said above, morning sickness is still causing me some problems. It is exhausting and emotionally draining to feel sick all the time. Eating is such a chore. I eat I feel sick, I don't eat I feel sicker. Last night I felt so sick I struggled to bring myself to eat much of anything even though I knew it would help to a degree. I really hope this sickness will end soon. On my way home I will be swinging by our OB's office to pick up another script for Zofran, hopefully I won't need it for too much longer. 

Blood test day at the clinic, I think there should be only one or two blood tests left! All is good with the levels, now they only test the progesterone.

Well that's all for now!