Wednesday, August 28, 2013

18 Weeks, 3 Days

Thursday 29 August 2013

Two posts in two days, I wouldn't expect that to happen too often! Baby brain has been great at making me forget to update this blog and I'm sure it will continue to do so as this pregnancy progresses.

First of all I wanted to post an updated bump photo that Bio Mum took this morning. Here is the bump at 18 weeks and 3 days,

It may not look like a pregnant belly, but it does feel like one!

In possibly exciting news I think, although I am not 100% sure, that I may have felt Lil Dash move yesterday...twice! First was almost like a tiny little flutter, that could have been a little muscle twitch, about 3 or 4 cms down from my belly button. The second was after work when Bio Mum and I were having a lie down before heading out for dinner. I rolled onto my side and while lying still I swear I felt a little flutter again. 

Now I might have just been imagining it, or it could have been many other things, but I am hoping it was our Lil Dash. I really can't wait until I can feel Dash move and be certain it was our baby. I also can't wait until Bio Mum can feel the movement too. I am so excited to share this with her.

In my post yesterday I forgot to tell you all about the beautiful print we bought to go in Lil Dash's room. I have to credit a truly amazing artist Marja-Leena Montone (website is for this creation. Here is 'Bed Time'

We just loved the colours in the print and think it will be a great basis for the rest of the nursery. The walls will be white and the colour will be in the accessories. We even ordered some samples of curtains/blinds we like that will go with the print!

I can't wait to get into that nursery! It is going to be so special to create this space for Lil Dash with Bio Mum. Maybe the nesting is starting?

Off to see Dr B next week so will definitely post again then if not sooner!

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