Thursday, May 9, 2013

The big day...

Friday 10 May 2013 - Day 19

Well the big day is here, transfer day! This day will change our lives.
This morning I headed off to see the acupuncturist at 11am to get my pre-transfer treatment, while at the same time fighting with insane amounts of nerves and anxiety. I think I almost threw up a few times today, I was that nervous.
As I said in my previous post, our little thawed embryos had stopped growing yesterday and it was looking likely we'd have a blstocyst thawed today. We knew the lab at the fertility clinic would call us by 12 if there was a serious problem, so it was quite a tense morning until 12 with no call.
After acupuncture I came home where Bio Mum had lunch ready for me and then it was off to the clinic for the transfer. Dr D, our specialist, was running a tad late so there was a nervous wait at the clinic. While we waited we met with the nurse who gave us the medication I need to have, crinone, which is a gel that is used like a pessary (I had to have the progesterone pessary last was not the most fun I've ever had) each night.
We also found out that I'll be back at the clinic Monday, Thursday and then Saturday. Saturday is the big one, its the pregnancy blood test time! So in 8 days we'll know if we're pregnant or not.
When Dr D arrived we were taken into the treatment room and told they had thawed one of our blasts that morning and that it was a great looking blast. I stripped down until I was just wearing my top half clothes and then onto a bed with leg holders so I was on display in all my glory.
Dr D inserted a warm speculum (it was nice that it wasn't ice cold) and then it was transfer time. A thin catheter went in and it was all over in a matter if minutes. It was all very easy and Bio Mum was amazing.
Dr D and the lab tech both commented on what a good transfer it was and then I was allowed to get dressed and off we went (after many thank yous and good lucks) to the acupuncturist again for the post transfer treatment.
Now I am propped up on the couch watching movies, where I plan to be all weekend!
I feel good about this, I really do think its going to work our. Get a good hold in there Bub!

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